The Wheels of Steel


Although more than capable of executing this kind of gig in a private hire situation, I am really not interested in anything commercial, mainstream, or what’s been played 10 million times in the last 60 years or so. There is nothing wrong with the music as such but…these tunes are the core of the play-safe playlists, with overly familiar content, that appear 24/7 like Christmas songs do in November. They are played in about 85% of public bars, establishments, venues and shopping centers all day, every day. It is the “cowardly concept” that I find uninspiring, off-putting, boring, repetitive and unimaginative. You can’t tell a new story with an old book and people are being deprived of vibes they never knew existed! They simply don’t know there is nothing wrong with something new
So my mission is to keep learning about promising underground artists, and to continue walking a fresh path with an exciting foundation, and “allowing an adventure to emerge” – a tale taking you around the world! When did equally talented yet undiscovered artists become a bad thing? They are just as capable of creating frissons as the legends who are no longer with us and they don’t get the airtime they deserve for the reasons I have just given. With no fear of doing so, I endeavor to ensure they get the recognition their skills demand! It’s important for me to remain open to new and comparatively unusual options because I can’t bear to lose interest in the tunes that I already adore. And I love to share my discoveries with a smile. “Give ’em what they want?” Sure! – but never forget to explore 🙂

Photo slideshow


Item intro

Item title

Cinerama Filmtheater

Arthur Flink, Manager BoxOffice

Tim is een meester in het draaien van muziek die IN het publiek valt, in plaats van over het publiek. Je zou kunnen stellen dat het een echte sfeerversterker is.

IMd Raadgevende Ingenieurs

Nancy Bastemeijer

We hadden Tim eerder o.a. horen draaien bij Café HensePeter en Café Pursers en waren ervan overtuigd dat hij er een mooie avond van zou kunnen maken. Daarin hebben we ons niet vergist, zijn muziek zorgde ervoor dat de voetjes nog tot laat van de vloer gingen!!!